Patrik Krebs


Leikhússtjóri, leiklistarmeðferðarfræðingur, tungumálakennari og náttúrunnandi

Árið 2006 stofnuðu Patrik Krebs og Uršula Kovalyk, núverandi kona hans, Divadlo bez domova – Leikhús án heimilis, með heimilislausum leikurum, líkamlega fötluðu fólki og fólki með andlegar áskoranir. Þau hafa líka unnið með Róma-fólki, föngum og flóttamönnum, atvinnulistafólki, námsmönnum, börnum og eldri borgurum.

Patrik og félagar í leikhúsinu hafa líka skipulagt ERROR the International Festival of Homeless Theaters, eina viðburð sinnar tegundar í Evrópu og líklega öllum heiminum. Divadlo bez domova hefur tekið þátt í fjölmörgum, fjölþjóðaverkefnum, með annars með með ReykjavíkurAkademíunni. Frá ERROR hátíðinni 2019.

Patrik hefur mikinn áhuga á goðsögnum og gestaltþerapíu, táknavinnu og ritúölum og hefur réttindi til að stjórna Hetjuferðarþjálfun. Hann spilar á ótal hljóðfæri eins og bjartónaflautu, fujara, heligonka og cajón og sefur best í tee-bee tjaldi.


Theatre director, drama-therapist, language teacher and nature-lover

In 2006 Patrik Krebs established, with his wife Uršula Kovalyk, Divadlo bez domova – Theatre With No Home, where the actors and actresses are homeless people, physically disabled and mentally challenged people. They have also worked with Roma people, prisoners, refugees, professional artists, students, kids and elderlies. 

For more than 15 years Patrik Krebs and his colleagues also have organised, ERROR the International Festival of Homeless Theaters, the only event of its kind in Europe and probably in the world. Divadlo bez domova has participated in many international project, among others with  with Icelandic partners, including The Reykjavík Academy. ERROR Festival 2019.

Patrik is highly interested in mythology, symbol work, Gestalt therapy and rituals. This is linked to his activities as a guide of Hero’s Journey process. He likes to play different instruments, including overtone flute, fujara, heligonka, cajón and many others. His favourite place to sleep is a tee-pee.